[1] Now as the duke went forward on his waie (with his commission from the whole councell,Much a do on all sides du|ring this stir broched be|twéene the duke and the ladie Marie. and his warrant vnder the broad seale of England, without mistrust of that which after fortuned to his owne de|struction, as in the historie of quéene Marie shall ap|peare, accompanied with no small number of lords and gentlemen, hauing notwithstanding his times prescribed, and his iourneies appointed by the coun|cell, to the intent he would not seeme to doo any thing but vpon warrant) what a doo there was, what stir|ring on euerie side, what sending, what riding and posting, what letters, messages, & instructions went to and fro, what talking among the souldiers, what hartburning among the people, what faire pretenses outwardlie, inwardlie what priuie practises there were, what speeding and sending foorth ordinance out of the tower, yea euen the same daie that quéene Marie at euen was proclaimed quéene, what ru|mors, and comming downe of souldiers as there was from all quarters, a world it was to see, and a processe to declare, enough to make (as saith master Fox) a whole volume, euen as big as an Ilias.