[1] And as he was intierlie beloued of his subiects, so with the like affection of kindnes he loued them a|gaine; of nature and disposition méeke, much inclined to clemencie, euer hauing a regard to the sparing of life. There wanted in him no promptnes of wit, gra|uitie of sentence,Sir Iohn Fox [...] the Acts & Monuments [...]nder the title of Edward the sixt. ripenesse of iudgement, as his age might beare, sauour and loue of religion was in him from his childhood, his skill and knowledge in scien|ces, besides his other excellent vertues, were such, that to them he séemed rather borne than brought vp. It maie séeme verie strange, that in his yoong years (as maister Fox reporteth of him) he could tell and recite all the ports, hauens, and créekes, not within his owne realme onelie,The noble memorie of [...]ing Edward and his rare w [...]t. but also in Scotland, and likewise in France, what comming in there was, how the tide serued in euerie of them; moreouer, what burthen, and what wind serued for the com|ming into each hauen: also of all his iustices, magi|strates, & gentlemen that bare any authoritie within his realme, he knew their names, their houskeeping, their religion and conuersation what it was. He had a singular respect to iustice, a vertue most commen|dable in a prince, and chieflie to the dispatch of poore mens sutes. Hée perfectlie vnderstood the Latine toong, the French, the Gréeke, Italian, and Spanish, neither was he ignorant (saith Cardanus) in Lo|gike, in the principles of naturall philosophie, or in musicke.