[1] In the meane while,The kings sickenesse in|creaseth. the king became euerie daie more sicke than other of a consumption in his lungs, so as there was no hope of his recouerie. Where|vpon those that then bare chiefe authoritie in coun|cell, with other prelats and nobles of the realme, cal|led to them diuerse notable persons, learned as well in diuinitie as in the lawes of the land, namelie bi|shops, iudges, & other, who fell to consultation vpon this so weightie cause, and lastly concluded vpon the deuise of king Edwards will, to declare the said la|die Iane, eldest néece to king Henrie the eight, and wife to the said lord Gilford, to be rightfull heire in succession to the crowne of England, without re|spect had to the statute made in the fiue and thirtith yeare of king Henrie the eight:An euill min|ded consulta|tion of coun|cellors. the true meaning of which statute they did impugne and ouerthrow by di|uerse subtill sinister constructions of the same, to dis|herit the said kings daughters, to whome the suc|cession of the crowne of England of right appertei|ned, as well by the common lawes of this realme, as also by the said statute made in the said fiue and thir|tith yeare of king Henrie, as aforesaid. To which new order of succession, all the said kings councell, with manie bishops, lords, doctors and iudges of the realme subscribed their names,Sir Iames Hales the od man. without refusall of anie, except sir Iames Hales knight, one of the iu|stices of the common plées, who being called to this councell, would in no wise giue his assent, either by word or writing, as ye shall heare more in the histo|rie of quéene Marie.