[1] These mariages were compassed & concluded chief|lie vpon purpose to change & alter the order of succes|sion to the crowne,The euill end whereto the knitting of these couples in mariage tended. made in the time of king Henrie the eight, from the said kings daughters, Marie and Elizabeth, and to conueie the same immediatlie af|ter the death of king Edward to the house of Suf|folke, in the right of the said ladie Francis: wherein the said yoong king was an earnest traueller in the time of his sickenesse,The kings feare fell out to be true. & all for feare that if his sister Marie, being next heire to the crowne, should suc|céed, that she would subuert all his lawes and sta|tutes made concerning religion, whereof he was most carefull: for the continuance whereof he sought to establish a meet order of succession, by the aliance of great houses by waie of marriage, which neuer|thelesse were of no force to serue his purpose. For tending to the disheriting of the rightfull heirs, they proued nothing prosperous to the parties: for two of them were soone after made frustrate, the one by death, the other by diuorse.