[1] Much about this season there were thrée no|table ships set foorth and furnished for the great aduenture of the vnknowne voiage into the east by the north seas. The great dooer and incourager of which voiage was Sebastian Gabato an English|man,Sebastian Gabato. borne at Bristow, but was the sonne of a Ge|nowaie. These ships at the last arriued in the coun|trie of Moscouia, not without great losse and dan|ger, and namelie of their capteine, who was a woor|thie and aduenturous gentleman, called sir Hugh Willoughbie knight, who being tossed and driuen by tempest, was at the last found in his ship frozen to death and all his people. But now the said voiage and trade is greatlie aduanced, and the merchants aduenturing that waie, are newlie by act of parle|ment incorporated and indued with sundrie priuile|ges and liberties.