[1] Now after this good order taken, and the citizens by such meanes as were deuised, willing to further the same, the report therof was made vnto the kings maiestie: and his grace for the aduancement here|of, was not onelie willing to grant such as should be the ouerséers and gouernors of the said houses a cor|poration and authoritie for the gouernement there|of: but also required that he might be accounted as the chiefe founder and patrone thereof.K. Edward the sixt foun|der of the hos|pitals in Lõ|don. And for the furtherance of the said worke, and continuall main|tenance of the same, he of his méere mercie and good|nesse granted, that where before certeine lands were giuen to the maintenance of the house of the Sa|uoie, founded by king Henrie the seuenth, for the lod|ging of pilgrims and strangers, and that the same was now made but a lodging of loiterers, vaga|bonds, and strumpets that laie all daie in the fields, and at night were harboured there, the which was rather the maintenance of beggerie, than the reliefe of the poore, gaue the same lands, being first surren|dred into his hands by the maister and fellowes there (which lands were of the yearelie value of six hundred pounds) vnto the citie of London, for the maintenance of the foundation aforesaid.