Snippet: 326 of 359 (1587, Volume 6, p. 1082)
[3] - 1 The poore by impotencie are also diuided in|to three kinds, that is
to saie:
- 1 The fatherlesse poore mans
- 2 The aged, blind, and lame.
- 3 The diseased person, by le|prosie, dropsie, &c.
- 2 The poore by casualtie are of thrée kinds, that is to saie:
- 4 The wounded souldier.
- 5 The decaied housholder.
- 6 The visited with gréeuous disease.
- 3 The thriftles poore are three kinds in like wise, that is to saie:
- 7 The riotor that consumeth all.
- 8 The vagabond that will a|bide in no place.
- 9 The idle person, as the strumpet and others.