[1] [2] Not long after the death of the said duke of Sum|merset and his complices, Rich. Graf [...]on. Doctor Rid|leie preached before the king, mercie and charitie. it chanced the reuerend fa|ther in God maister doctor Ridleie then bishop of London, to preach before the kings maiestie at Westminster. In the which sermon he made a fruit|full and godlie exhortation to the rich, to be mercifull vnto the poore, and also to mooue such as were in au|thoritie, to trauell by some charitable waie & meane, to comfort and reléeue them. Wherevpon the kings maiestie being a prince of such towardnesse and ver|tue for his yeares, as England before neuer brought forth, and the same also being so well reteined and brought vp in all godlie knowledge, as well by his déere vncle the late protector, as also by his vertuous and learned scholemaisters, was so carefull of the good gouernement of the realme, and chieflie to doo and prefer such things as most speciallie touched the honor of almightie God. And vnderstanding that a great number of poore people did swarme in this realme, and chieflie in the citie of London, and that no good order was taken for them, did suddenlie and of himselfe send to the said bishop as soone as his sermon was ended, willing him not to depart, vn|till that he had spoken with him (and this that I now write was the verie report of the said bishop Rid|leie) who according to the kings commandement gaue his attendance.The verie re|port of bishop Ridleie, wher|in we may [...] what fruits followed vpon his sermon: Ergo the hea|ring of the word preach|ed is profita|ble. And so soone as the kings ma|iestie was at leasure, he called for him, and made him to come vnto him in a great gallerie at West|minster, where (to his knowledge) and the king also told him so, there was present no mo persons than they two, and therefore made him sit downe in one chaire, and he himselfe in another, which (as it seemed) were before the comming of the bishop there pur|poselie set, & caused the bishop (maugre his teeth) to be couered, and then entered communication with him in this sort.