[1] [2] [3] This duke was in high sauour and estimation with king Henrie the eight, of whome he receiued sundrie high & great preferments, by reason that the the said king had married ladie Iane his sister, by whome he had issue king Edward the sixt.The duke of Summerset described. He was not onelie courteous, wise and gentle, being dailie attendant at the court; but forward and fortunate in seruice abroad, as may well appeare in his sun|drie voiages, both into France and Scotland. He was of nature verie gentle and pitifull, not blemish|ed by any thing so much, as by the death of the adme|rall his naturall brother, which could not haue beene brought to passe in that sort, without his consent. But of this good duke (to let passe multitude of words) maister Fox hath written no lesse trulie than commendablie, & no lesse commendablie than deser|uedlie, and no lesse deseruedlie than profitablie in his historie, whereto I refer the reader for further know|ledge. Neuerthelesse of this vertuous duke by waie of application I saie as somtime one said (verie apt|lie as some thinke) of the gratious ladie Who as it is supposed and proued since (saith Slei|dan) was vniustlie condemned. An Bullen,
Discite vos viui, quid dira calumnia possit,Inuidia alterius vitae comes arcta beatae,Et falsis linguae commista venena susurris.