21.1. The words of the duke of Summerset at his death.
The words of the duke of Summerset at his death.
[1] _DEerelie beloued friends, I am brought hither to suffer death, albeit I neuer offended against the king, neither by word nor deed, and haue beene alwaies as faithfull and true vnto this realme, as anie man hath beene. But forsomuch as I am by law condemned to die, I doo acknowledge my selfe as well as others, to be subiect there|vnto. Wherefore to testifie mine obedience which I owe vnto the lawes, I am come hither to suffer death, wherevnto I wil|linglie offer my selfe with most hartie thanks vnto God, that hath giuen me this time of repentance, who might thorough sudden death haue taken awaie my life, that I neither should haue acknowledged him nor my selfe.
[1] Moreouer (deerelie beloued friends) there is yet somewhat that I must put you in mind of, as touching christian reli|gion, which so long as I was in authori|tie, I alwaies diligentlie set foorth, and furthered to my power. Neither doo I re|pent me of my dooings, but reioise therein, sith now the state of christian religion com|meth most neere vnto the forme and order of the primitiue church. Which thing I esteeme as a great benefit giuen of God, both to you and me, most hartilie exhorting you all, that this which is most purelie set foorth vnto you, you will with like thanke|fulnesse accept and embrace, and set out the same in your liuing: which thing if you doo not, without doubt, greater mischiefe and calamitie will follow.