[1] This Christmas being thus passed and spent with much mirth and pastime, wherewith the minds and eares of murmurers were méetlie well appeased, ac|cording to a former determination as the sequele shewed: it was thought now good to procéed to the execution of the iudgement giuen against the duke of Summerset, touching his conuiction & atteindor of the fellonie before mentioned. Wherevpon, the two and twentith daie of Ianuarie, then next fol|lowing being fridaie, he was brought out of the tower, and according to the manner,The executiõ of the duke of Summerset. deliuered to the shiriffes of London; and so with a great compa|nie of the gard & others with weapons, was brought to the scaffold where he should suffer, without chan|ging either voice or countenance, other than he was accustomed to vse at other times.