[1] Then were they all attached, and committed to prison, and the maior with others went presentlie to the flower de lice, where they found Mosbie in bed: and as they came towards him, they espied his hose and pursse stained with some of maister Ardens bloud.Some of Ar|dens bloud vpon Mos|bies pursse. And when he asked what they meant by their comming in such sort, they said; Sée, here ye may vnderstand wherefore, by these tokens, shewing him the bloud on his hose and pursse. Then he confessed the déed, and so he and all the other that had conspi|red the murder, were apprehended and laid in pri|son, except Gréene, blacke Will, and the painter,The princi|pals of this murder fled a|waie. which painter and George Shakebag, that was also fled before, were neuer heard of. Shortlie were the sessions kept at Feuersham, where all the prisoners were arreigned and condemned. And therevpon being examined whither they had anie other compli|ces, mistres Arden accused Bradshaw, vpon occa|sion of the letter sent by Gréene from Graues end,Bradshaw as vniustlie accu|sed, as his simplicitie was shame|fullie abused. (as before ye haue heard) which words had none o|ther meaning, but onelie by Bradshaws describing of blacke Wils qualities; Gréene iudged him a méete instrument for the execution of their preten|ded murder. Whereto notwithstanding (as Gréene confessed at his death certeine yeares after) this Bradshaw was neuer made priuie; howbeit, he was vppon this accusation of mistres Arden, immediat|lie sent for to the sessions, and indicted, and declara|tion made against him, as a procurer of blacke Will to kill maister Arden, which procéeded wholie by mis|vnderstanding of the words conteined in the letter which he brought from Greene.