[1] Then the maior commanded euerie man to staie, and herewith appointed some to go about, & to come in at the inner side of the house through the garden as the waie laie,Footsteps [...] alongst from the dead bodie of Arden to his dwelling house. to the place where maister Ardens dead bodie did lie; who all the waie as they came, perceiued footings still before them in the snow: and so it appeared plainlie that he was brought along that waie from the house through the garden, and so into the field where he laie. Then the maior and his companie that were with him went into the house, and knowing hir euill demeanor in times past, ex|amined hir of the matter: but she defied them and said, I would you should know I am no such wo|man. Then they examined hir seruants, and in the examination, by reason of a péece of his heare any bloud found néere to the house in the waie,A péece of Ar|dens heare and his bloud spil [...] in the house espied, as also a bloudie knife and a clou [...] found. by the which they caried him foorth, and likewise by the knife with which she had thrust him into the brest, and the clout wherewith they wiped the bloud awaie which they found in the tub, into the which the same were throwen; they all confessed the matter, and hir selfe beholding hir husbands bloud, said; Oh the bloud of God helpe, for this bloud haue I shed.