[1] Then Greene met and talked with Ardens man, and asked of him, why he did not leaue open the doors, according to his promise? Marie (said Michaell) I [page 1064] will shew you the cause. My maister yesternight did that he neuer did before: for after I was in bed, hée rose vp and shut the doores, and in the morning rated me for leauing them vnshut. And herewith Gréene & blacke Will were pacified. Arden being redie to go homewards,The fourth attempt to make Arden awaie disap|pointed. his maid came to Gréene & said; This night will my maister go downe. Whervpon it was agréed that blacke Will should kill him on Reinam downe. When maister Arden came to Rochester, his man still fearing that blacke Will would kill him with his maister, pricked his horsse of purpose, and made him to halt, to the end he might protract the time, and tarie behind. His maister asked him whie his horsse halted, he said, I know not. Well (quoth his maister) when ye come at the smith here before (betwéene Rochester and the hill foot ouer against Chee [...]am) remooue his shoo, and search him, and then come after me. So maister Arden rode on: and yer he came at the place where blacke Will laie in wait for him, there ouertooke him diuerse gentlemen of his acquaintance,Blacke Will misseth his purpose. who kept him companie: so that blacke Will mist here also of his purpose.