[1] After this, maister Arden laie at a certeine par|sonage which he held in London, and therefore his man Michaell and Gréene agréed, that blacke Will should come in the night to the parsonage, where he should find the doores left open, that he might como in and murther maister Arden. This Michaell ha|uing his maister to bed, left open the doores accor|ding to the appointment. His maister then being in bed, asked him if he had shut fast the doores, and hée said yea: but yet afterwards, fearing least blacke Will would kill him as well as his maister,One murthe|ring mind mistrusting a|nother, doo hinder the ac|tion where|about they agréed. after he was in bed himselfe, he rose againe and shut the doores, bolting them fast. So that blacke Will com|ming thither, and finding the doores shut, departed, being disappointed at that time. The next daie blacke Will came to Gréene in a great chafe, swearing and staring bicause he was so deceiued, and with manie terrible oths threatened to kill maister Ardens man first, wheresoeuer he met him. No (said Gréene) doo not so, I will first know the cause of shutting the doores.