[1] At the time appointed, Gréene shewed blacke Will maister Arden walking in Poules. Then said blacke Will, What is he that goeth after him? Marie said Gréen, one of his men. By his bloud (said blacke Will) I will kill them both. Naie (said Greene) doo not so, for he is of counsell with vs in this matter. By his bloud (said he) I care not for that,Blacke will maketh no conscience of bloudshed and murther. I will kill them both. Naie said Gréene in anie wise doo not so. Then blacke Will thought to haue killed maister Arden in Poules churchyard, but there were so manie gentle|men that accompanied him to dinner, that he mis|sed of his purpose. Gréene shewed all this talke to maister Ardens man, whose name was Michaell, which euer after stood in doubt of blacke Will, lest he should kill him.Why Ardens man conspired with the rest to kill his maister. The cause that this Michaell conspi|red with the rest against his maister, was: for that it was determined, that he should marrie a kinswo|man of Mosbies.