[1] [2] Then Greene talked with blacke Will, and said; When ye haue supped, come to mine hosts house at such a signe, and I will giue you the sacke and sugar. By his bloud (said he) I thanke you, I will come and take it I warrant you. According to his promise he came, and there they made good cheare. Then blacke Will & Greene went and talked apart from Brad|shaw, and there concluded togither, that if he would kill master Arden, he should haue ten pounds for his labor. Then he answered,The match made to mur|ther Arden. By his wounds that I will if I maie know him. Marie to morrow in Poules I will shew him thee, said Gréene. Then they left their talke, & Gréene bad him go home to his hosts house. Then Greene wrote a letter to mistresse Ar|den, & among other things put in these words: We haue got a man for our purpose, we maie thanke my brother Bradshaw.Simplicitie abused. Now Bradshaw not knowing anie thing of this, tooke the letter of him, and in the morning departed home againe, and deliuered the letter to mistresse Arden, and Greene & blacke Will went vp to London at the tide.