[1] By this time the other companie of seruingmen came to them, and they going all togither, met with blacke Will and his fellow. The seruingmen knew blacke Will, [...] desperat [...]. & saluting him, demanded of him whi|ther he went? He answered; By his bloud (for his vse was to sweare almost at euerie word) I know not, nor care not, but set vp my staffe, and euen as it fal|leth I go. If thou (quo [...]h they) wilt go backe againe to Grauesend, we will giue thée thy supper. By his bloud (said he) I care not, I am content, haue with you: and so he returned againe with them. Then blacke Will tooke acquaintance of Bradshaw, sai|eng; Fellow Bradshaw how doost thou? Bradshaw vnwilling to renew acquitance, or to haue ought to doo with so shameles a ruffian, said;An honest man is asha|med to re|new old ac|quaintance with a knaue, Why doo ye know me? Yea that I doo (quoth he) did not we serue in Bul|longne togither? But ye must pardon me (quoth Bradshaw) for I haue forgotten you.