[1] [2] About this time there was at Feuersham in Kent a gentleman named Arden,1551 Anno Reg. 5. most cruellie murthe|red and slaine by the procurement of his owne wife.Arden mur|thered. The which murther, for the horriblenesse thereof, al|though otherwise it may séeme to be but a priuate matter, and therefore as it were impertinent to this historie, I haue thought good to set it foorth somewhat at large, hauing the instructions deliuered to me by them, that haue vsed some diligence to gather the true vnderstanding of the circumstances. This Ar|den was a man of a tall and comelie personage,Arden d [...]|scribed. and matched in marriage with a gentlewoman, yoong, tall, and well fauoured of shape and countenance, who chancing to fall in familiaritie with one Mosbie a tailor by occupation, a blacke swart man,Loue and lust. seruant to the lord North, it happened this Mosbie vpon some misliking to fall out with hir: but she being desirous to be in fauour with him againe,A paire of sil|uer dice worke much mischiefe. sent him a paire of siluer dice by one Adam Foule dwelling at the Floure de lice in Feuersham.