[2] Soone after the aforesaid
agreement betwéene England and France was concluded,The
duke of Summerset deliuered out of the tower. vpon the fore
remembred capitulations, bicause of suspicion of displeasure and hatred that
was thought to remaine betwéene the earle of Warwike and the duke of
Summerset, latelie before deliuered out of the tower, a meane was found that their fréendship should be renewed through
aliance,A marriage to compose strife and establish
amitie. and a mariage was concluded betweene the earle of Warwikes
eldest sonne, and the duke of Summersets eldest daughter: the which marriage
was solemnized at Shene, the king being then present. After the solem|nitie
of this marriage, there appeared outwardlie to the world great loue and
fréendship betwéene the duke and the earle, but by reason of carietales and
flatterers, the loue continued not long, howbeit ma|nie did verie earnestlie wish loue and amitie to con|tinue
betwéene them.
Rich. Grafton. Rebellion in Kent execu|ted. ¶ About this
time was a new rebellion in Kent, but it was soone suppressed, and certeine
of the chiefe were apprehended and put to death, namelie Richard Lion,
Goddard Gorram, and Richard Ireland. This yeare was a parlement holden at
Westminster, where among other things by the authoritie of the said
Priests chil|dren legiti|mate. Usurie for|bidden.