[1] [...] parlement.Shortlie after this, the kings maiestie called his high court of parlement, which began at Westmin|ster, the foure and twentith daie of Nouember in this third yeare of his reigne, and there continued the same vntill the first daie of Februarie next follow|ing, which was in the beginning of the fourth yeare of his reigne. And among other things there enacted and concluded, one statute was made for the punish|ment of rebels, [...] act for vn|lawfull assem| [...]s. and vnlawfull assemblies: the which law was made by occasion of the late rebellion that happened in manner through the realme the yeare passed, & was not thought nor meant to haue touched anie noble man, speciallie such as the duke of Sum|merset was, which after (as it shall appeare) it did, and by that statute he was condemned within two yeares next after.