[1]21.1. Articles obiected against the lord protector.
Articles obiected against the lord protector.
[1] _IN primis, you tooke vpon you the office of a protector and gouernour, vpon condi|tion, expresselie and speciallie, that you would doo nothing in the kings affaires publikelie or priuatlie, but by the assent of the late kings executors.
[1] 2 Also you, contrarie to the said condition, of your owne authoritie, did staie and let iustice, and subuerted the lawes, as well by your letters as by your commandements.
[1] 3 Also you caused diuerse persons, being arested and imprisoned for treason, murther, manslaughter and felonie, to be discharged and set at large, against the kings lawes and statutes of this realme.
[1] 4 Also you haue made and ordeined lieutenants for the kings armies, and other weightie affaires vn|der your owne writing and seale.
[1] 5 Also you haue communed with the ambassa|dors of other realmes, discoursing alone with them in the weightie causes of this realme.
[1] 6 Also you haue sometime rebuked, checked and tawnted, as well priuatlie as openlie, diuerse of the kings most honorable councellors, for shewing and declaring their aduises and opinions against your purposes in the kings weightie affaires, saieng som|times to them, that you néed not to open matters vnto them, and would therefore be otherwise adui|sed: and that you would, if they were not agréeable to your opinion, put them out, and take other at your pleasure.
[1] 7 Also you had and held against the law in your owne house, a court of requests, and thereby did in|force diuerse the kings subiects to answer for their free holds and goods, and determined the same to the [page 1060] subuersion of the same lawes.
[1] 8 Also you being no officer, without the aduise of the councell, or the more part of them, did dispose of the offices of the kings gift for monie, and granted leases and wards of the kings, and gaue presenta|tions to the kings benefices and bishopriks, hauing no authoritie so to doo. And further, you did meddle with the selling of the kings lands.
[1] 9 Also you commanded multiplication and alcu|mistrie to be practised to abuse the kings coine.
[1] 10 Also you caused a proclamation to be made concerning inclosures, whereby the common people haue made diuerse insurrections, and leuied open war, and distreined and spoiled diuerse of the kings subiects, which proclamation went foorth against the will of the whole councell.
[1] 11 Also you haue caused a commission with cer|teine articles therevnto annexed, to be made out concerning inclosures of commons, high waies, de|caieng of cottages, and diuerse other things, giuing the commissioners authoritie to heare and deter|mine the same causes, to the subuersion of the laws and statutes of this realme: whereby much sedition, insurrection, and rebellion haue risen and growne a|mong the kings subiects.
[1] 12 Also you haue suffered the rebels and traitors to assemble and to lie in campe and armor against the king, his nobles, and gentlemen, without anie spéedie subduing or repressing of them.
[1] 13 Also you did comfort and incourage diuerse of the said rebels, by giuing of them diuerse sums of your owne monie, and by promising to diuerse of them, fées, rewards, and seruices.
[1] 14 Also you in fauor of the said rebels did against the lawes cause a proclamation to be made, that none of the said rebels and traitors should be sued or vexed by anie person, for anie their offenses in the said rebellion, to the cleare subuersion of the same lawes.
[1] 15 Also you haue said in time of the rebellion, that you liked well the dooings and proceedings of the said rebels and traitors, and said that the coue|tousnesse of the gentlemen gaue occasion to the common people to rise: saieng also, that better it is for the commons to die, than perish for lacke of li|uing.
[1] 16 Also you said that the lords of the parlement were loth to incline themselues to reformation of in|closures and other things: therefore the people had good cause to reforme the things themselues.
[1] 17 Also you after the report and declaration of the defaults and lacks reported to you by such as did sur|ueie Bullongne and the péeces there, would neuer amend the same defaults.
[1] 18 Also you would not suffer the péeces beyond the seas, called Newhauen and Blacknesse, to be furnished with men and vittels; although you were aduertised of the defaults therein by the capteins of the same péeces and others, and were thereto aduer|tised by the kings councell: wherby the French king being the kings open enimie, was incouraged and comforted to win the said péeces, to the kings great losse, and dishonour of his realme.
[1] 19 Also you declared and published vntrulie, as well to the kings maiestie, as other the yoong lords attendant vpon his graces person, that the lords of the councell at London minded to destroie the king, and you required the king neuer to forget it, but to reuenge it: and likewise you required the yoong lords to put the king in remembrance thereof, to the intent to make sedition & discord betwéene the king and his lords.
[1] 20 Also where the kings maiesties priuie councell, of their loue and zeale that they did beare vnto the king and his realme, did consult at London to haue communed with you, to the intent to moue you chari|tablie to amend your dooings and misgouernement: you hearing of the said assemblie, did cause to be de|clared by letters in diuerse places the said lords to be high traitors to the king, to the great disturbance of the realme.