[1] ¶Touching the manner of the dukes comming to the tower from Windsore, Abr. Fl. ex I. Stow. 1044. I find that it was on the fouretéenth of October in the after noone, at which time he was brought on horssebacke through Hol|burne, in at Newgate, and so to the tower of Lon|don, accompanied with diuerse lords and gentlemen with thrée hundred horsse: the lord maior,The lord pro|tectour com|mitted to the tower. sir Rafe Warren, sir Iohn Gresham, maister recorder, sir William Locke, and both the shiriffes, and other knights, sitting on their horsses against Soper lane, with all the officers with halberds, and from Hol|burne bridge to the tower, certeine aldermen or their deputies on horssebacke in euerie street, with a number of housholders standing with billes as he passed.] Shortlie after the lords resorted to the tower, and there charged the protector with sundrie articles, as followeth.