[1] Was it forgotten? No suerlie, nor yet forgiuen during the kings life. [...]hat it is to [...] into the [...] and [...] pleasure [...] the prince. The liberties of the citie were taken awaie, strangers appointed to be our heads and gouernours, the citizens giuen awaie bodie and goods, and from one persecution to another were most miserablie afflicted: such it is to enter into the wrath of a prince, as Salomon saith; The wrath and indignation of a prince is death. Wherefore forso|much as this aid is required of the kings maiestie, whose voice we ought to hearken vnto (for he is our high shepheard) rather than vnto the lords:The aduise [...] George [...]radlow. and yet I would not wish the lords to be clearlie shaken off, but that they with vs, and we with them may ioine in sute, and make our most humble petition to the kings maiestie, that it would please his highnesse, to heare such complaint against the gouernement of the lord protector as may be iustlie alledged and proo|ued. And I doubt not but this matter will be so paci|fied, that neither shall the king nor yet the lords haue cause to séeke for further aid, neither we to offend a|nie of them both. After this tale the commons staied, and the lord maior & his brethren for that time brake vp, and afterward communed with the lords.