[1] At the last stepped vp a wise and good citizen, na|med (as maister Fox saith) George Stadlow, [...] Stad+ [...] citizen of L [...]don [...] answer [...] recorder [...] London [...] and [...]. and said thus. In this case it is good for vs to thinke of things past to auoid the danger of things to come. I remember (saith he) in a storie written in Fabians chronicle, of the warre betwéene the king and his ba|rons, which was in the time of king Henrie the third, and the same time the barons (as our lords doo now) commanded aid of the maior and citie of Lon|don, and that in a rightfull cause for the common|weale, which was for the execution of diuerse good lawes, wherevnto the king before had giuen his con|sent, and after would not suffer them to take place, and the citie did aid the lords. Now it came to an o|pen battell, wherein the lords preuailed, and tooke the king and his sonne prisoners, and vpon certeine conditions the lords restored againe the king and his sonne to their liberties. And among all other condi|tions, this was one, that the king should not onelie grant his pardon to the lords, but also to the citizens of London, which was granted, yea and the same ratified by act of parlement. But what followed?