
21.1. A letter of the lord protectors [...]o the lord Russell lord priuie seale, concerning troubles working against him.

A letter of the lord protectors [...]o the lord Russell lord priuie seale, concerning troubles working against him.

[1] Iohn Fox in the Acts and Monuments. A letter of the lord protec|tors to the lord priuie [...]._AFter our right hartie commendations to your good lordship. Here hath of late ri|sen such a conspiracie against the kings maiestie & vs, as neuer hath béene séene, the which they can not mainteine, with such vaine letters and false tales surmised, as was neuer ment nor intended on vs. They pretend and saie, that we haue sold Bullongne to the French, and that we doo withhold wages from the soldiers, & other such tales and letters they doo spread abroad (of the which if anie one thing were true, we would not wish to liue) the matter now being brought to a maruellous extre|mitie, such as we would neuer haue thought it could haue come vnto, especiallie of those men towards the kings maiestie and vs, of whome we haue deser|ued no such thing, but rather much fauour and loue. But the case being as it is, this is to require & praie you, to hasten you hither to the defense of the kings maiestie, in such force and power as you maie, to shew the part of a true gentleman, and of a verie friend: the which thing we trust God shall reward, and the kings maiestie in time to come, and we shall neuer be vnmindfull of it too. We are sure you shall haue other letters from them, but as ye tender your dutie to the kings maiestie, we require you to make no staie, but immediatlie repaire with such force as ye haue to his highnesse in his castell of Windsor, and cause the rest of such force as ye maie make to follow you. And so we bid you right hartilie fare|well. From Hampton court the sixt of October.

Your lordships assured louing friend Edward Summerset.