[1] [2] To make short, it was not long after this, but Ombler as he was riding from towne to towne, twelue miles from Hummanbie, to charge all the conestables and inhabitans where he came, in the kings name to resort to Hummanbie: by the waie he was espied, and by the circumspect diligence of Iohn Word the yoonger, Iames Aslabeie, Rafe Twinge, and Thomas Conestable gentlemen, hée was had in chase, and at last by them apprehended,Ombler cap|teine o [...] the re|bels taken. and brought in the night in sure custodie vnto the ci|tie of Yorke, to answer vnto his demerits. After whome within short time, Thomas Dale, Henrie Barton,The names of the rebels ta|ken and exe|cuted at Yorke. the first chiefteins and ringleaders of the former commotion, with Iohn Dale, Robert Wright, William Pecocke, Weatherell, and Ed|mund Buttrie, busie stirrers in this sedition, as they trauelled from place to place, to draw people to their faction, were likewise apprehended, commit|ted to ward, lawfullie conuicted, and lastlie execu|ted at Yorke the one and twentith of September, in the yere of our Lord 1549. Exactis iudicij publici a regi|stro exceptis & notatis.