[1] [2] But first of all for the more spéedie raising of men, they deuised to burne beacons, & thereby to bring the people togither, as though it were to defend the sea|coasts: and hauing the ignorant people assembled, then to powre out their poison, first beginning with the rudest and poorest sort, such as they thought were pricked with pouertie, and were vnwilling to labor, and therefore the more readie to follow the spoile of rich mens goods, blowing into their heads that Gods seruice was laid aside, and new inuentions neither good nor godlie put in place, and so feeding them with faire promises, to reduce into the church againe their old ignorance and idolatrie, thought by that means soonest to allure them to rage and run with them in this commotion. And furthermore, to the intent they would giue the more terror to the gentlemen at the first rising,The deuise of [...] rebels that [...] might be [...]. least they should be resisted, they deuised that some should be murthered in churches, some in their houses, some in seruing the king in commissi|on, and other as they might be caught, and to picke quarels at them by alteration of seruice on the holie daies: and thus was the platforme cast of their de|uise, according as afterward by their confession at their examinations was testified, and remaineth in true record.