[1] It was afterwards ordeined, that vpon the same daie in the which the rebels were thus subdued, the citizens yearelie should repaire to their churches, and there to heare seruice, and to haue a sermon abrode, to the which they should come togither, to giue thanks to God for their deliuerance as that daie, and this is obserued till these our times. Robert Ket and his brother William Ket were brought vp to London,The two Kets exe|cuted. where they were committed to the tower, and short|lie after arreigned of their treason and found guiltie, were brought to the tower againe, where they con|tinued till the nine and twentith of Nouember, on which daie they were deliuered to sir Edmund Windham high shiriffe of Norffolke and Suffolke, to be conueied downe into Norffolke, where Robert Ket was hanged in chains vpon the top of Norwich castell: and William Ket his brother on the top of Windmondham stéeple, in which towne they had both dwelled, and conspired with others to go for|ward with their wicked rebellion.