[1] [2] [3] [4] Thus were the Norffolke rebels subdued by the high prowesse, wisedome, and policie of the valiant earle of Warwike, and other the nobles, gentlemen, & faithfull subiects there in the kings armie:Gentlemen slaine in this rebellion. but not without losse of diuers personages of great worship, beside other of the meaner sort, namelie master Hen|rie Willoughbie esquier, a man so well beloued in his countrie for his liberalitie in housekéeping, great courtesie, vpright dealing, assured stedfastnes in friendship, & modest staiednesse in behauiour, that the countries where his liuings laie lament the losse of so woorthie a gentleman euen to this daie. There died also master Lucie esquier, master Forster es|quier, and master Throckmorton of Northampton|shire, gentlemen of no small credit and worship in their countries. The battell being thus ended, all the spoile gotten in the field was giuen to the soldiers, who sold the most part thereof openlie in the market place of Norwich. The next daie the earle of War|wike was aduertised that Ket,Ket taken. being crept into a barne, was taken by two seruants of one master Riches of Swanington, and brought to the house of the same Riches. Herevpon were twentie horsse|men sent thither to fetch him, who brought him to Norwich. The same daie examinations were taken of them that were the principall beginners and set|ters foorth of this vnhappie rebellion, and diuerse be|ing found giltie were hanged,Execution. and nine of the chiefest procurers of all the mischiefe (Robert Ket and his brother William onelie excepted) were hanged vp|on the oke of reformation, Miles the gunner & two of their prophets being three of that number.