[1] [2] [3] The earle of Warwike and others sore grieued therewith, caused a whole volie of artillerie to be shot off at the rebels: and herewith capteine Drurie with his owne band, & the Almans or lanceknights, whether ye list to call them, on foot, getting néere to the enimies, hailsed them with their harquebut shot so sharplie, and thrust forward vpon them with their pikes so stronglie, that they brake them in sunder. The gentlemen, who (as we haue said) were pla|ced in the fore ranke, found meanes (as good hap was) to shrinke aside, and escaped the danger for the more part, although some indeed were slaine by the Almans, and other that knew not what they were. The light horssemen of the kings part herewith gaue in amongst them so roundlie, that the rebels not a|ble to abide their valiant charge, were easilie put to flight, and with the foremost their grand capteine Robert Ket gallopped awaie so fast as his horsse would beare him. The horssemen following in chase, slue them downe on heapes, euer still as they ouer|tooke them; so that the chase continuing for the space of thrée or foure miles,The number of the rebels slaine. there were slaine to the num|ber of thrée thousand fiue hundred at the least: beside a great multitude that were wounded as they fled here and there ech waie foorth, as séemed best to serue their turne for their most spéedie escape out of dan|ger. Yet one part of them that had not beene assailed at the first onset, séeing such slaughter made of their fellowes, kept their ground by their ordinance, and shranke not; determining as men desperatlie bent, not to die vnreuenged, but to fight it out to the last man.