[1] Upon hope therefore of this and other vaine pro|phesies, the rebels through the diuels procurement,The rebels remooue. that had nourished and pricked them forward all this while in their wicked procéedings, determined to remoue thither, to the end that they might with more spéed make an end of the matter, before they should be driuen to disperse themselues by famine. For the earle of Warwike had taken order to haue the passages stopped, in such wise as no vittels could easilie be conueied to their campe, the want whereof began alreadie to pinch them. Herevpon setting fire on their cabins, which they had raised and built here and there of timber and bushes (the smoke whereof couered all the grounds about them) they came downe with their ensignes into the vallie called Dussin daie where with all spéed that might be they intrenched themselues about, and raising a rampire of a good height, set stakes also round about them, to kéepe off the horssemen.