[1] [2] Whilest these things were in dooing, the rebels brake into the citie on that side, where was no suspi|cion of their entring at all; but being come almost to the bridges, they were incountered by the soldiers, beaten backe, and chased out by the same waie they came. The next daie being the six and twentith of August, there came to the earle 1400 lancequenets.Lanceque|nets come to the earle of Warwike. The rebels notwithstanding that such reinforcement of the earles power might haue somewhat discoura|ged them, yet trusting altogither to certeine vaine prophesies, which they had among them,The rebels trust in vaine prophesies. and set out in verses by such wisards as were there with them in the campe, they had conceiued such a vaine hope of prosperous successe in their businesse, that they little estéemed anie power that might come against them. Among other of those same verses, these were two:

The countrie gnuffes, Hob, Dick, and Hick,
with clubs and clowted shoone,
Shall fill vp Dussin dale with bloud
of slaughtered bodies soone.