[1] [2] Capteine Drurie.And here trulie the good seruice of capteine Dru|rie is not to be forgotten, who now as earst being readie to reuenge this iniurie, following vpon the enimies, put them to flight, and recouered much of that which they had taken from the earls souldiers. The earle of Warwike after this cut off the entries at the gates, and rampired them vp, placed at the bridges and turnings of the waies and streets diuers bands of soldiers to kéepe the passages, brake downe the White friers bridge, and at Bishops gate he ap|pointed the lord Willoughbie with a great number of soldiers to defend that part, & in this sort he made prouision to defend the citie from the rebels, if they should attempt to make anie surprise vpon the sud|den.