[1] But the rebels vnderstanding that the earle of Warwike wanted powder and other things apper|teining to the vse of the great ordinance, and with|all perceiuing that the Welshmen which were ap|pointed to the gard of the said great péeces of artille|rie were no great number, and therefore not able to resist anie great force that should come against them, they came downe the hill vpon the sudden as it were wholie togither in most outragious maner. And withall one Miles that was a verie perfect gun|ner, and maruellous skilfull in the feat of shooting of great artillerie, and at that time remaining among the rebels, Alexander Neuill. shot off a péece; and flue one of the kings principall gunners, that was attending vpon those péeces of artillerie, which stood thus before the gate. Whom when the rebels perceiued thus to be slaine, they made forward with more courage, and gaue such a desperate onset vpon them that garded the said artillerie, that their small number, being not a|ble to withstand their aduersaries great and huge multitude pressing in such furious rage vpon them, that they were constreined to flée backe, and to leaue the artillerie for a preie vnto the enimies, who seizing vpon the same,The rebels take certeine peeces of ar|tillerie from the earle of Warwike. conueied them awaie with certeine carts laden with all manner of munition for wars vp to their campe: a matter (as was thought) of no small importance, sith the enimies thereby were fur|nished now with such things, whereof before they stood most in néed, and now hauing store thereof, they spared not liberallie to bestow it against the citie, beating downe not onlie the highest top of Bishops gate, but also a great part of the wals on that side.