[1] And herewith discoursing at large of the horri|ble, wicked, and heinous murthers, riots, burnings, and other crimes by them committed, he willed them to consider into what sea of mischeefes they had throwne themselues, and what punishment they ought to looke for as due to them for the same; sith as well the wrath of God as the kings armie was hang|ing ouer their heads, and readie at hand, which they were not able to resist. For his grace had resolued no longer to suffer so great and presumptuous a mis|chéefe as this, to be fostered in the middle of his realme: and therefore had appointed the right ho|nourable earle of Warwike, a man of noble fame and approoued valiancie,The kings purpose in sending the earle of War|wike against them. to be his generall lieute|nant of that his roiall armie, to persecute them with fire and sword; and not to leaue off, till he had vt|terlie dispersed and scattered that wicked and abho|minable assemblie. And yet such was the excéeding greatnesse of the kings bountifull mercie and cle|mencie, that he that was by him appointed to be a reuenger of their heinous treasons committed a|gainst his maiestie, if they continued in their obsti|nate wilfulnesse, should be also the interpretor and minister of his gratious and free pardon, to so ma|nie as would accept it. Which vnlesse they now imbrased, the said earle had made a solemne vow, that they should neuer haue it offered to them againe; but that he would persecute them till he had puni|shed [page 1037] the whole multitude according vnto their iust deserts.