[1] Norreie and the two citizens, highlie com|mending them herein, requested them to kéepe their place and order wherein they stood for a while: and then Norreie passing foorth about two hundred and fiftie pases, came to the top of the hill, and putting on his coate armour,Norreie the herald maketh a long [...]is|courie to the rebels, for the reducing of them to good order. staied a while (for Ket was not yet come) and at length began to declare vnto them in what maner diuers times since first they had taken armes in hand, the kings maiestie by sun|drie persons, as well heralds as other, had sought to reduce them from their vnlawfull and rebellious tumults, vnto their former dutie and obedience; and yet neuerthelesse, they had shewed themselues wil|full and stubborne, in refusing his mercifull pardon freelie offered vnto them, and despised the messen|gers which his grace had sent vnto them to pro|nounce the same. He willed them therefore to call themselues now at length to remembrance, and to behold the state of the common-wealth, which they so often to no purpose had still in their mouths, and neuerthelesse by them miserablie defaced, & brought in danger of vtter ruine and decaie.