[1] One thing more they would humblie desire of my lord of Warwike, that whereas there was no small number of Kets armie in the citie without armour or weapon, and as it should seeme irkesome and wearie of that which had béene alreadie doone, it might please him once againe to vouchsafe to offer them the kings pardon, and if he should thus doo, they had great hope that the rebels would gladlie accept it, and so the matter might be pacified without more bloudshed.Norreie the herald deliue|reth his an|swer to the earle of War|wike. Norreie returned to the earle of War|wike, and declared what answer he had receiued. The earle desirous of nothing more than to haue the matter thus taken vp, as well for other consi|derations, as for feare least the gentlemen remai|ning prisoners with the rebels, should be vnmerci|fullie murthered by their kéepers, if they came to the vttermost triall of battell, he resolued to prooue if it would thus come to passe. And heerevpon was Norreie with a trumpet sent to offer them a generall pardon, who being entered the citie, met about fortie of the rebels on horssebacke, riding two and two togither verie pleasant and merrie,Norreie king of armes sent to offer the re|bels their pardon. and so passing from S. Stephans gate vnto Bishops gate, the trumpetter sounded his trumpet, and with that, a great multitude of the rebels came thronging downe togither from the hill: to whome the horsmen spéedilie riding, commanded that they should diuide themselues, and stand in order vpon either side the waie. And as Norreie and the trumpetter, with two of the chéefe citizens entred betwixt them, they were receiued with great noise and clamour, for euerie of them putting off their hats or caps, cried; God saue king Edward, God saue king Edward.