[1] [2] Flotman hauing heard Norreies declaration, as he was an outragious and busie fellow, presumptu|ouslie made answer, that he cared not a pins point for my lord marquesse, and withall, like a rebellious traitor, railed vpon his lordship, and mainteined,Flotmans presumptu|ous and n [...]|torous alleg [...]|tions. that he and the rest of the rebels were earnest defen|dors of the kings roiall maiestie, and that they had taken weapon in hand not against the king, but in his defense, as in time it should appeare, as they that sought nothing but to mainteine his maiesties roi|all estate, the libertie of their countrie, and the safe|tie of their commonwealth, &c. To conclude, he vt|terlie refused the kings pardon, and told Norreie certeinelie, that they would either restore the com|mon-wealth from decaie, into the which it was fal|len, being oppressed thorough the couetousnesse and tyrannie of the gentlemen; either else would they like men die in the quarrell.