[1] [2] The councell aduertised now vpon the heralds returne, that there was no waie to reduce these Norffolke rebels vnto quiet otherwise than by force, appointed the marquesse of Northampton with fif|téene hundred horssemen to go downe vnto Norwich to subdue those stubborne traitors that so vndutiful|lie refused the kings mercifull pardon, fréelie offered by his officer at armes, and others. There went with the lord marquesse diuerse honorable and worshipfull personages,The lord marquesse of [...]thamp| [...]a sent into [...]uffolke to [...] the [...]. as the lord Sheffeld, the lord Went|worth, sir Anthonie Dennie, sir Henrie Parker, sir Richard Southwell, sir Rafe Sadler, sir Iohn Clere, sir Rafe Rowlet, sir Richard Lée, sir Iohn Gates, sir Thomas Paston, sir Henrie Beding|field, sir Iohn Suliard, sir William Walgraue, sir Iohn Cuts, sir Thomas Cornewallis knights, to|gither with a great manie of other knights, es|quiers and gentlemen, and a small band of Italians, vnder the leading of a capteine named Malates [...]a.