[1] [2] After this,Prisoners committed to+ward in moũt Surrie. there were by Kets commandement apprehended diuerse persons, as the maior, Robert Watson, William Rogers, Iohn Homerston, William Brampton, and manie others, which were brought out of the citie, and committed to prison in mount Surrie. Ket perceiuing well that he must either now obteine a bloodie victorie by force against his countrie, or else to tast such an end as his vn|gratious attempts did well deserue, got togither so manie wicked persons as he might procure to come vnto him from ech side, with great rewards and faire promises:Kets power increaseth. so that it was a strange matter to consider what a multitude of vnthrifts and rascalles came to him vpon the sudden.