[1] [2] The rebels hauing thus entred the citie by force,The rebelles conueie artil|lerie and mu|nition out of the citie to their campe. conueied all the guns and artillerie, with other fur|niture of warre out of the citie into their campe. The herald that was yet abiding in the citie, to see if the rebels would before the daie prefixed for their par|dons, being not yet expired, giue ouer their enter|prise, came with the maior into the market place, and in the hearing of a great multitude of people that were come foorth and stood about him, he eftsoons gaue commandement in the kings name, that they should laie armes aside,The h [...]ralds proclamation in Norwich. and get them home to their houses: which to so manie as did, he pronounced a ge|nerall pardon, and to the rest extreme punishment by death.