[1] The maior being thus returned to the citie, caused the gates to be shut,The citizens fauouring the rebels. and such gentlemen as had béen committed to prison within the castell, or other pla|ces in the citie, he caused to be set at libertie, & with their aduise tooke order how the rebelles might be kept out. But as he was busie about such matters, certeine of the citizens that fauored the rebelles had receiued a great multitude of them into the citie, which did put the citizens in such feare, that it was thought the most suretie for the gentlemen that had beene now released out of prison, to be shut vp a|gaine, least the rebelles finding them abroad, should haue murthered them. Yet after this, when the re|bels were departed out of the citie againe, the ma|ior & aldermen fell in hand to rampire vp the gates, to plant ordinance, and to make all necessarie proui|sion that for them was possible.