[1] [2] Whilest the rebels thus raged abroad in the coun|trie at Hengham eleuen miles from Norwich,Sir Edmund Kneuets ser|uice. sir Edmund Kneuet knight, with a small companie of his owne meniall seruants, set vpon the night|watch of the rebels that were placed there, & brake through, ouerthrowing diuerse of them: and hauing some of his owne men also vnhorssed by the rebels, and in danger to be hewen in peeces among them, yet he recouered them, & escaped their hands through great manhood. After which good nights seruice, as they would haue it esteemed, they repaired to their great capteine Ket, to shew their hurts receiued, & to complaine of their griefes. It was talked among them, that they would go to sir Edmund Kneuets house called Buckenham castell, to assault it, and to fetch him out of it by force. But it was doubted of some, least it were too strong for them; and other feared sharpe stripes, if they should attempt that ex|ploit, being at the least twelue miles from their maine campe: and so that enterprise went not for|ward, the most part thinking it best to sléepe in whole skins.