[1] [2] [3] [4] But in the meane time proceeding from one mis|chiefe to another, after they had practised to spoile the gentlemen of the countrie of their goods, they began to attach their bodies, and by force to bring them in|to their campe: so that such as escaped their hands, were glad to flée, and hide themselues in woods and caues, where they might best keepe themselues out of their aduersaries reach and intended dangers. But to speake of all the horrible practises by these vngratious people exercised,The falsifieng [...] the kings [...]missions. it would be too long a processe. What shifts they found to cloake their doo|ings, and that euen vnder the kings authoritie, it is woonderfull. For whereas there were certeine commissions directed vnto diuerse gentlemen in the countrie, to take order for the appeasing of these tumults; they getting the same into their hands, tooke vpon them the authoritie committed to the gentlemen, vnto whome the same commissions were sent; and taking off the seales from the other, fastened the same vnto their counterfeit writings. To conclude, they grew to such vnmeasurable disor|der, that they would not in manie things obeie nei|ther their generall capteine, nor anie of their gouer|nors, but ran headlong into all kind of mischiefe, & made such spoile of vittels which they brought out of the countrie adioining vnto their campe, [...] that within few daies they consumed (beside a great number of béefes) twentie thousand muttons, also swans, géese, hens, capons, ducks, & other foules so manie as they might laie hands vpon. And furthermore, they spa|red not to breake into parks, and kill what déere they could. Such hauocke they made of all that came in their waie, and such number of shéepe speciallie they brought into their campe, that a good fat weather was sold for a groat. The woods, groues, and trées that were destroied I passe ouer, and make no men|tion thereof. Herewith, what crueltie was shewed by them in fettering and manacing such gentlemen as they caught,The outragi|ous dealing a|gainst gen [...]lemen. and committed to prison for some misliking they had conceiued of them, it was a mi|serable case to behold. Some there were whom they brought foorth as it had béene to iudgement before the tree of reformation, there to be tried afore the go|uernors, as if they had béene guiltie of some heinous and gréeuous crime. And when it was asked of the commons, what should be doone with those prisoners, they would crie with one voice; Hang them, hang them. And when they were asked why they gaue so sharpe iudgement of those whome they neuer knew, they would roundlie answer, that other cried the same crie; and therefore they ment to giue their as|sent with other, although they could yéeld no reason, but that they were gentlemen, & therefore not woor|thie to liue.