[1] [2] [3] The maior, maister Aldrich and others, whome they had receiued into the number of their gouer|nours, would oftentimes go vp into this tree, and make diuerse pithie orations to persuade the outra|gious multitude to giue ouer their riotous capines and spoilings. There were also certeine diuines which did vse all waies possible to withdraw them from their wicked attempts, and to reduce them to peace and quietnesse, although this was not doone without danger of their liues. Neuerthelesse, these in the daie time vsed to preach in the churches, and in the night to watch with armour vpon their backes, leauing no|thing vndoone that might séeme to apperteine vnto the dutie of godlie and vertuous diuines, or faithfull and obedient subiects. Among these was doctor Mat|thew Parker. afterward archbishop of Canturbu|rie, whose wisdome, faithfulnesse,Doctor Par|ker. and integritie was most apparant.