[1] [2] The honest citizens of Norwich in this meane while remained in great perplexitie, hearing no|thing from the king nor his councell. They therefore being vncerteine what to doo, abode in the citie, till they might vnderstand what order it should please the king to take for the quieting of these troubles. The cause why the councell was thus slacke in proui|ding remedie against the Norffolke rebels, was: for that they were busie in quieting the troubles in the inner part of the realme about London, and other places (as before ye haue heard) by meanes whereof the power of these Norffolke rebels still increased, so that there were assembled togither into Kets campe, to the number of sixtéene thousand vngratious vn|thrifts,The number of the rebels. who by the aduise of their capteins fortified themselues, and made prouision of artillerie, powder and other abiliments, which they fetched out of ships, gentlemens houses, and other places where any was to be found, and withall spoiled the countrie of all the cattell, riches and coine, on which they might laie hands.