[1] Sir Roger Woodhouse.The next daie being thursdaie, sir Roger Wood|house with seuen or eight of his houshold seruants, came to them, bringing with him two carts laden with beere, and one cart laden with other vittels: for a recompense whereof he was stripped out of his ap|parell, had his horsses taken from him, and whatso|euer else he had, the rebels accounting the same a good preie, he himselfe was cruellie tugged and cast into a dich of one Mores of nether Arleham by Hei|lesdonbridge; where the same daie the rebels, being disappoint [...]d of their purpose to passe through Nor|wich, found meanes to passe, and comming to mai|ger Corbets house of Sprowston, intended to haue burnt the same house. But yet being persuaded to spare it from fire, they spoiled his goods, defaced a douehouse of his, which had beene a chappell, and after|wards got them to Mousehold, and comming to S. Leonards hill, on which the erle of Surrie had bu [...]t a statelie house called mount Surrie,Mount Sur|rie. they inken|nelled themselues there on the same hill; and in the woods adioining that lie on the west and the south side of the same hill, as the commons or pasture cal|led Mousehold heath lieth on the east side,Mousehold. which con|teineth foure or fiue miles in length, & thrée or foure in bredth.