[1] After whose departure, they considering in what danger they stood to be surprised, if they should scat|ter abroad in such sort as till then they had doone, séeking to wast and spoile the countrie about them, without kéeping togither in anie warlike order, thought it stood most with their suertie to draw into one place, and to fortifie the same for their further strength. Upon this resolution they determined to go with all spéed vnto Mousehold, a place as they tooke it meet for their purpose, and therefore sent to the maior of Norwich,The rebels request licence to passe tho|rough Nor|wich. requesting him of licence to passe through the citie, bicause it was their néerest waie, promising not to offer anie iniurie or violence to anie person, but quietlie to march through the citie vnto their place appointed. But the maior did not on|lie denie them passage, but also with sharpe and bitter speach reprouing their rebellious dooings, told them what whould follow thereof, if they gaue not ouer in time from further proceeding in such wicked at|tempts.