[1] [2] The citizens [...] Norwich.The daie before that Ket came to this place, a great number of the meaner sort of the citizens of Norwich had throwne downe a quickset hedge, and filled vp the diches, wherewith the foresaid commons were on the one side inclosed, to kéepe in the cattell of the citizens that had the same going before their common neatherd: and so that fense which by good and prouident aduise of their forefathers, had beene raised and made for the common profit of the whole citie, was thus by a sort of lewd persons defaced and cast downe at that present. And scarse had they throwne downe the dich in the vpper end of this pa|sture, but that a companie of euill disposed persons stale out of the citie, and got them to Kets campe. The maior of the citie named Thomas Cod aduerti|sed hereof,Thomas Cod. doubting what might follow of this mis|chiefous begun rebellion, thought good to trie if he might persuade the rebels to giue ouer their traito|rous enterprises: and therfore taking certeine of the aldermen with him, he went to Kets campe, vsing what persuasions he could to reduce them vnto their dutifull obedience, & to depart home to their houses. But his trauell was in vaine, and therefore retur|ned backe to the citie without hope to doo anie good with that vnrulie rout.